English follows after Japanese.
Ermenegildo Zegna(エルメネジルド・ゼニア)は、高品質のスーツで知られるイタリアのラグジュアリーファッションブランドとして世界中の紳士から支持されていますが、そのブランドとしての生まれがファブリックファクトリーだということは意外と知らない人もいるようです。
今日はヴェスタでも人気がある「Cool Effect」クールエフェクトという、特に暑い気候で快適に過ごせるように設計された技術的な生地についてお話しします。

- 素材:
- 高品質のウールを使用。
- 熱反射技術:
- 特殊な技術でウール繊維を加工し、太陽光を反射するように設計。
- 通常のウールと比較して、表面温度を最大で10°C(18°F)低く保つ効果があります。
- 通気性:
- 通気性が高く、体温を効果的に調節。
- 涼しさと快適さを提供。
- 軽量:
- 軽量でありながら、しっかりとした構造を持つ。
- 快適性:
- 暑い気候や夏季に最適な涼しさを提供。
- 長時間の着用でも快適さを維持。
- エレガンスとスタイル:
- 高級感のある仕上がりで、ビジネスやフォーマルな場にふさわしいエレガントなルックス。
- クラシックなゼニアのスタイルを保ちながら、現代的な機能性を備えています。
- 多用途性:
- オフィスからカジュアルなイベントまで、さまざまなシーンで活躍。
- さまざまな色やパターンで提供され、個々のスタイルに合わせて選択可能。
- 環境に優しい:
- 持続可能な方法で生産されたウールを使用。
- 環境への配慮も重視した製品。
2.クールエフェクト ハイパフォーマンス
アクティブなライフスタイルをサポートするために設計された素材です。 縦横双糸の超ハイツイスト高性能平織で超軽量、汗を素早く発散し、常にドライな状態を保ち夏の湿度が高い時期も非常に快適です。

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ヴェスタスーツ仕立ての特徴はYoutubeショートで Check VESTA’s tailoring spec from YouTube shorts
Ermenegildo Zegna, the Italian luxury fashion brand known for its high-quality suits, has garnered support from gentlemen worldwide. However, it may come as a surprise to some that its origins lie in fabric manufacturing.
Today, I’d like to talk about “Cool Effect” fabric technology, specifically designed to provide comfort, especially in hot climates.
When this groundbreaking new material was announced in 2008, Vesta GM Kitagawa was handed a gun-type thermometer to measure surface temperatures. Witnessing the lower temperatures firsthand, he was amazed, as if it happened just yesterday.
Performance of Cool Effect Fabric:
- Utilizes high-quality wool.
Heat Reflective Technology:
- Wool fibers are processed with a special technique to reflect sunlight.
- Compared to regular wool, it can reduce surface temperatures by up to 10°C (18°F).
- High breathability effectively regulates body temperature.
- Provides coolness and comfort.
- Despite being lightweight, it maintains a solid structure.
Features of Cool Effect Fabric:
- Provides coolness, particularly suitable for hot climates and summer seasons.
- Maintains comfort even during long hours of wear.
Elegance and Style:
- Offers a high-quality finish, suitable for business and formal occasions with an elegant appearance.
- Retains the classic Zegna style while incorporating modern functionality.
- Suitable for various occasions, from the office to casual events.
- Available in various colors and patterns, allowing for individual style preferences.
Environmentally Friendly:
- Utilizes wool produced in a sustainable manner.
- Emphasizes environmental considerations.
- Being 100% wool, a natural material with complete biodegradability, speaks volumes about Zegna’s remarkable technological development.
Popular Series of Vesta Suits with Cool Effect Fabric:
- Cool Effect (Tropical)
- Cool Effect High Performance
- Engineered for an active lifestyle. Features a high-performance, ultra-lightweight, double-twisted, high-twist plain weave that quickly dissipates sweat, ensuring a dry feel even in high humidity during summer.
- Amazing
- Offers the comfort of double-twisted natural stretch processing. Additionally, the use of high-twist yarns makes the fabric resistant to wrinkles. This, combined with the coolness of the Cool Effect treatment, results in an extremely comfortable fabric.
How Vesta’s Customers Use the Suits:
Particularly appreciated among business leaders and executives during the 10 months from spring to autumn, Vesta allows these features to be enjoyed in beautifully stylish suits. With functional materials, even amidst busy schedules and hectic meetings, one can always approach business in a professional and comfortable suit.
Make an tailoring appointment
For in-store reservations, you can use the online reservation site here or contact us at 03-3562-0362. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries through VESTA’s official Line, Instagram, Facebook DMs, or by phone.