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ヴェスタご愛用12年以上、エンジニアの内田様がヴェスタをご愛顧くださる理由や仕立てのご感想、などをGM 北川とスーツトーク

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ご不明な点はいつでもお電話や、VESTA公式Line, Instagram, FacebookのDMでご相談ください。人生が豊かになる、スーツ選びのお手伝いができましたら幸いです。


Why I choose VESTA as my tailor by Mr.Uchida

Impressions of the Finish

Being an Engineer Mr.Uchida, a loyal Vesta suit wearer for over 12 years, consistently praises the suits for their “above expectations” finish. He appreciates the design of the lining and the fit, particularly noting how the suits conform to the body without causing fatigue.

Choosing Hats

Mr.Uchida, a hat aficionado, pairs his Vesta suits with Borsalino hats. He emphasizes the importance of balancing functionality and design when selecting hats and highlights the practical benefits of wearing them.

Technical Evaluation

From a technical standpoint, Mr.Uchida lauds the tailoring skills of Vesta suits. He emphasizes the comfort, fit, and non-constricting nature of the suits, even after long hours of wear.

Suits as Everyday Wear

Mr.Uchida discusses the benefits of wearing suits regularly. Unlike trendy ready-made brands, he views suits as a worthy investment, akin to his ancestors’ long-lasting kimonos.

Encounter with Vesta

Mr.Uchida shares his initial experience of ordering from Vesta and the emotions tied to his first order. He appreciates how Vesta’s staff, led by GM Kitagawa, understand customers’ preferences and offer tailored suggestions.


Mr.Uchida regards Vesta suits as unparalleled in quality and fit, reflecting his high trust in Vesta’s craftsmanship. His testimonials provide valuable insights for prospective Vesta customers, underscoring the unique appeal and enduring quality of their suits.

Make an tailoring appointment

For in-store reservations, you can use the online reservation site here or contact us at 03-3562-0362. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries through VESTA’s official Line, Instagram, Facebook DMs, or by phone.


ヴェスタなら間に合う!急ぎでも安心の「3週間仕立て」ラグジュアリースーツ新サービス Vesta Delivers on Time! Announcing the New “3-Week Tailoring” Luxury Suit Service

特別なイベントや重要なビジネスシーンのためにスーツが必要でも、短納期で安価な量販店スーツに頼らざるを得ないお悩みはありませんか?ヴェスタの「3週間仕立て」は、イタリアで特注された最高級の本バスフル毛芯と、職人が一針ずつ丁寧に仕上げる伝統の技を駆使し、短納期でありながら品質を損なわないラグジュアリースーツをお届けします。Facing a last-minute event or an important business engagement where you need a suit quickly? No more settling for off-the-rack or lower-quality, fast-turnaround options. Vesta’s “3-Week Tailoring” suits use the finest full-canvas interlining, custom-ordered from Italy, and are meticulously hand-stitched by our skilled artisans. Despite the short timeline, the quality remains uncompromised, delivering the high standards Vesta is known for.

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タイムレスなチェスターフィールドコート: 起源から特徴、そしてその魅力に迫るThe Timeless Chesterfield Coat: A Journey Through Origin, Details, and Enduring Appeal

クラシックな男性用アウターウェアの中で、チェスターフィールドコートに匹敵する洗練さと歴史を持つものはほとんどありません。日本で省略してチェスターコートと呼ばれるこのコートは洗練されたエレガンスで知られ、100年以上にわたってメンズファッションの定番であり続けています。When it comes to classic men’s outerwear, few pieces rival the sophistication and storied history of the Chesterfield coat. Renowned for its tailored elegance, the Chesterfield has remained a staple in men’s fashion for over a century. This article delves into the coat’s origins, its defining features, and why it continues to be a wardrobe essential today.

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今回は2024年ワールドシリーズで劇的な優勝を果たしたロサンゼルス・ドジャーズのガライベントから、特に注目の3選手、大谷翔平選手、ムーキー・ベッツ選手、そしてフレディ・フリーマン選手のファッションを紹介します。ドジャーズの皆さん、本当におめでとうございます!We’re celebrating the Los Angeles Dodgers’ thrilling 2024 World Series win by taking a closer look at the fashion choices of three star players: Shohei Ohtani, Mookie Betts, and Freddie Freeman, who all brought their A-game to the team’s celebratory gala. Huge congratulations to the Dodgers!

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ジャケットのベントはどれが一番良い?Which Suit Jacket Vent is Best?

「スーツが男性を作る」とよく言いますが、実際にはそのスーツのディテールが印象を決定づけます。ボタンやラペルのデザイン、ポケットの配置など、スーツジャケットの前面には個性を反映する多くの選択肢があります。特に前面は、鏡や写真を通して自分自身が最もよく目にする部分ですよね。でも、他の人たちが見るのは、意外とスーツの背中なんです。そして、その背中には、重要なポイントが一つあります。それが、ジャケットのベント、つまり裾にあるスリットのことです。In Japan, ventless jackets are often used for formal suits, particularly black jackets paired with trousers that have no cuff. This minimalist style is considered the most appropriate choice for formal occasions in Japan, maintaining a clean and understated elegance.

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ヴェスタの英国服地オーダースーツが人気急上昇中!その魅力とは?Elevate Your Wardrobe with Vesta’s British Fabric Custom Suits

Recently, there has been a significant rise in customers choosing British fabric custom suits at Vesta. The combination of British fabrics’ refined elegance and Vesta’s exceptional tailoring skills makes these suits a top choice. This season, elevate your style with a Vesta custom suit.

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印象が変わる要素は、袖付けだった!It’s the shoulder setting makes whole difference.

自分のジャケットの肩のラインと他人のジャケットの肩の形がなんとなく違う、と感じたことはありませんか?その違いは、もしかするとショルダーセッティングにあるかもしれません。 Have you ever noticed that the shoulder line of your jacket seems different from others, but couldn’t quite pinpoint why? The difference might lie in the shoulder setting.

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Picture of 北川 美雪

北川 美雪

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