SCABALのファブリックコレクションは、革新的な精神の証です。Super 100sからSuper 250sのウール、シルク、カシミア、さらにはダイヤモンドフラグメントを含む豪華なブレンドなど、多様なテキスタイルを提供しています。シーズンごとのコレクションには、最新のトレンドを反映しつつも時代を超えた魅力を持つ独自のパターンやデザインが特徴です。ヴェスタでは、実用に適しビジネスシーンにふさわしいシリーズを中心に独自買い付けし、反物でお客様にご覧いただけます。
本拠地ベルギーでも英国製: SCABALファブリックは、その贅沢な手触りとしっかりした織りで特徴的。上質なウールは軽量で通気性が良く、一日中快適に過ごせます。
耐久性: 高品質な素材と職人技により、SCABALのスーツは形を保ち、長期間にわたってエレガントな状態を維持します。
エレガンスとスタイル: SCABALスーツは、伝統と現代性を完璧に融合させています。幅広いファブリックとパターンにより、個々のスタイルに合わせたユニークで洗練されたスーツを実現します。
品質への投資: SCABALスーツは高級な投資ですが、その持続する品質と時代を超えたスタイルは、ワードローブに価値ある追加となります。プロフェッショナルやファッション愛好家に最適で、自信と洗練を醸し出します。
ご不明な点はいつでもお電話や、VESTA公式Line, Instagram, FacebookのDMでご相談ください。人生が豊かになる、スーツ選びのお手伝いができましたら幸いです。
The Timeless Elegance of SCABAL Fabric
A Legacy of Excellence
Founded in 1938 in Brussels, SCABAL has established itself as a symbol of luxury and quality in men’s fashion. For decades, SCABAL has been synonymous with innovation and craftsmanship, providing some of the most refined textiles to discerning tailors and fashion houses worldwide.
Masterful Textile Making
SCABAL’s commitment to excellence starts with the careful selection of the finest raw materials. They source their wool from the best sheep farms in Australia and New Zealand, ensuring unparalleled softness and durability. The weaving process takes place in their Huddersfield mill in England, where traditional techniques are harmonized with modern technology. Each fabric undergoes rigorous quality checks to maintain the high standards SCABAL is known for.
Innovative Collections
SCABAL’s fabric collections are a testament to their innovative spirit. They offer a diverse range of textiles, from Super 100s to Super 250s wool, luxurious blends of silk, cashmere, and even diamond fragments. Their seasonal collections often feature exclusive patterns and designs, reflecting the latest trends while maintaining timeless appeal. At Vesta, we uniquely source fabrics suited for practical and business purposes, available to customers in raw fabric form.
Benefits of SCABAL Suits
Authentically British Yet Globally Respected: SCABAL fabrics are renowned for their luxurious feel and robust weave. The fine wool ensures that suits are lightweight and breathable, making them comfortable for all-day wear.
Durability: The high-quality materials and craftsmanship ensure that suits made from SCABAL fabrics retain their shape and elegance over time.
Elegance and Style: SCABAL suits perfectly blend tradition and modernity. The wide array of fabrics and patterns allows for personalized style, ensuring that each suit is unique and sophisticated.
Investment in Quality: While SCABAL suits are a premium investment, their enduring quality and timeless style make them a valuable addition to any wardrobe. They exude confidence and refinement, ideal for professionals and fashion enthusiasts alike.
The Vesta Experience with SCABAL
At Vesta, known for our bespoke tailoring techniques, we elevate SCABAL’s robust and substantial British fabric into suits with a light and soft comfortable fit. Our hand-sewn methods ensure a three-dimensional and beautiful look, highlighting a gentleman’s physique with a stylish silhouette. The result is a suit that brings out the best qualities of SCABAL fabric.
Explore the unique tailoring features and specifications we offer.
Make an tailoring appointment
For in-store reservations, you can use the online reservation site here or contact us at 03-3562-0362. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries through VESTA’s official Line, Instagram, Facebook DMs, or by phone.