



1. 抜群の通気性と温度調整機能

2. 軽量ながら耐久性に優れる

3. 吸湿性と防臭効果

4. シワになりにくく、出張や旅行にも最適

5. 多様なシーンで活躍する汎用性


シングルブレストスーツ – ビジネスにもレジャーにも対応する万能デザイン
ダブルブレストスーツ – 構築的でエレガント、通気性も抜群
半裏・裏なしジャケット – 軽さと通気性を向上
ソフトショルダーブレザー – リラックス感がありながら上品な仕上がり









ご不明な点はいつでもお電話や、VESTA公式Line, Instagram のDMでご相談ください。


Stay Cool & Sharp: The Ultimate Spring-Summer Suit with Tropical Wool

As temperatures rise and the days grow longer, the transition to a lightweight and breathable suit becomes essential for both comfort and style. Whether in the office, at social events, or traveling for business, a well-chosen suit should complement the season while ensuring functionality. One of the best-kept secrets of luxury tailoring for spring and summer is tropical wool—a fabric that perfectly balances elegance, durability, and comfort in warm weather.

Why Tropical Wool is the Ideal Spring-Summer Suit Fabric

1. Supreme Breathability & Temperature Control
Tropical wool is woven with an open, plain weave structure, allowing enhanced airflow through the fabric. This means that even in the heat of summer, the fabric helps regulate body temperature, preventing overheating while keeping you fresh throughout the day.

2. Lightweight Yet Durable
Unlike traditional wool used for fall and winter suiting, tropical wool is lightweight (typically 200-250g/m²), making it perfect for warm climates. Despite its lighter composition, it remains remarkably resilient, maintaining its shape and structure over time.

3. Moisture-Wicking & Odor Resistance
Wool fibers naturally absorb and release moisture, meaning tropical wool can wick away sweat without feeling damp. Additionally, wool is naturally odor-resistant, ensuring you stay fresh and confident even in high temperatures.

4. Wrinkle-Resistant & Travel-Friendly
For professionals and frequent travelers, maintaining a crisp look is crucial. Tropical wool has a natural elasticity that resists wrinkles, making it an excellent choice for daily wear and business trips. Unlike linen, which wrinkles easily, or cotton, which can feel stiff, tropical wool keeps its sharp, refined silhouette effortlessly.

5. Versatile & Elegant for Various Occasions
Tropical wool suits are highly adaptable, suitable for business meetings, formal occasions, and even casual summer gatherings. Whether paired with a classic dress shirt and tie or a more relaxed polo and loafers, it offers a polished yet breathable look for every occasion.

Best Suit Styles in Tropical Wool for Spring & Summer

Single-Breasted Suit – A versatile option for both business and leisure, providing a clean, tailored appearance.
Double-Breasted Suit – Adds structure and sophistication while maintaining breathability.
Unlined or Half-Lined Jacket – Enhances ventilation and keeps the suit ultra-light for warm days.
Soft-Shouldered Blazer – A relaxed yet elegant option that pairs well with chinos or lightweight wool trousers.

How to Wear a Tropical Wool Suit in Warm Weather

  • Opt for lighter shades such as beige, light gray, or navy to reflect sunlight and maintain a fresh look.
  • Pair with a breathable cotton or linen shirt for additional cooling comfort.
  • Choose suede loafers, leather monks, or sleek sneakers for a refined yet relaxed summer feel.
  • Avoid heavy layering—keep accessories minimal and stick to lightweight, airy fabrics.

Invest in a Tropical Wool Suit for Year-Round Comfort

Given the increasingly warm climate, investing in a tropical wool suit is a smart and stylish choice for modern gentlemen. Its combination of breathability, durability, and versatility ensures comfort without compromising on elegance. Whether you’re preparing for a business meeting in the heat of summer or looking for a refined, lightweight travel suit, tropical wool delivers the ultimate performance.

Upgrade your wardrobe this season with a luxury tropical wool suit—a piece that offers both form and function, ensuring you stay sharp and comfortable no matter the occasion.



スーツを選ぶときに見落とされがちな「ベント(vent)」。 実はこの“背中の切れ込み”こそが、スーツの動きやすさ・シルエット・印象を左右する重要なディテールです。 本記事では、ベントの種類(センターベント・サイドベンツ・ノーベント)とその特徴、さらにイタリア・イギリス・アメリカにおける文化的背景や選び方のポイントまでを詳しく解説します。

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12万着のスーツをお届けしてきた中で、VESTAはビジネスエグゼクティブや政治家、各界のリーダーたちに選ばれるブランドへと成長しました。しかし、私たちの挑戦はまだ終わりません。これからも、「スーツの力」 を信じ、着る人の魅力と自信を引き出す一着を提供し続けます。


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スーツの品質は、その構造によって大きく左右されます。その中でもヴェスタが使用する「本バスフル毛芯(Full Canvas)」のスーツは、最高級の仕立てとして世界中の紳士に愛されています。特にイタリア製の本バスフル毛芯スーツは、卓越した技術と最高の素材によって作られ、その着心地、耐久性、見た目の美しさが際立っています。本記事では、なぜイタリアの本バスフル毛芯スーツが優れているのか、その理由を詳しく解説します。

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Picture of 北川 美雪

北川 美雪

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