今こそ着たい!極上のカシミヤジャケット Now is the time! Desire for exquisite cashmere jacket



English follows after Japanese.









1. 断熱性

  • 熱絶縁性: カシミア繊維は独特の縮れた構造を持ち、空気を閉じ込めて優れた断熱性を提供します。これにより、カシミア製の衣服は寒冷な気候でも暖かく、羊毛の約3倍の保温効果があります。
  • 通気性: 断熱性がありながらも、カシミアは通気性が良く、湿気を逃がして快適な温度を保ちます。

2. 柔らかさと快適さ

  • 柔らかさ: カシミア繊維は非常に細かく滑らかで、ほとんどの種類の羊毛よりも柔らかいため、肌に直接触れても非常に快適です。
  • 軽量: カシミアの細かい繊維は軽量であり、衣服の着心地や動きやすさを向上させます。

3. 耐久性

  • 強度: 高品質のカシミア繊維は強くて弾力があり、衣服の耐久性を高めます。適切に手入れすれば、カシミア製品は長年にわたってその柔らかさや形を維持できます。
  • 毛玉防止: すべての天然繊維がある程度毛玉になる可能性があるものの、高品質のカシミアは、低品質のカシミアや他の種類の羊毛と比べて毛玉ができにくいです。

4. 吸湿性

  • 吸湿性: カシミア繊維は自身の重さの最大30%の湿気を吸収しても湿った感じがしません。これにより、カシミア製品は汗を効果的に吸収し、乾いた状態を保つことができます。

5. 低刺激性

  • 刺激の少なさ: カシミアは他の種類の羊毛と比べて皮膚刺激やアレルギーを引き起こしにくいため、敏感肌の人にも適しています。

6. 美的特性

  • 光沢: カシミアには自然な光沢があり、このため製品は視覚的に魅力的です。カシミアの光沢とドレープ性がその豪華な外観を強調します。
  • 染色性と色持ち: カシミア繊維は染料をよく吸収し、鮮やかで長持ちする色合いを実現します。これにより、高品質で美しい衣服の製造に適しています。

7. 弾力性

  • 形状保持: カシミア繊維は良好な弾力性を持ち、衣服が長時間形状を保つのに役立ちます。この弾力性は、カシミア衣服の快適さやフィット感も向上させます。

8. 多用途性

  • 幅広い用途: カシミアはセーター、スカーフ、ショール、帽子、手袋などさまざまな衣服やアクセサリーに使用されます。また、高級な家庭用テキスタイル(ブランケットやスロー)にも使用されます。
  • 季節の適応性: 通常は冬の衣料として知られていますが、カシミアの通気性と軽さは、季節の変わり目にも適しています。






  • 供給の制限: カシミヤは主にモンゴル、中国、イランなどの厳しい気候の地域で育つカシミヤ山羊のアンダーコートから得られます。1匹の山羊から得られる利用可能なカシミヤは年間わずか150グラム(5.3オンス)程度です。
  • 収穫の過程: カシミヤの収穫は労働集約的なプロセスです。繊維はモルティングシーズン中に慎重に櫛で梳かれたり、剪られたりして収穫され、高品質の繊維が山羊を傷つけずに得られるよう注意が払われます。


  • 細かい繊維: カシミヤ繊維は非常に細かく(通常15.5ミクロン未満)、標準的なウールよりもはるかに柔らかく、豪華です。
  • 耐久性: 高品質のカシミヤは耐久性があり、適切に手入れすれば何年もその柔らかさと外観を維持できます。


  • 手作業での選別と清掃: 収穫後、生のカシミヤは手作業で選別され、粗い外毛や不純物を取り除く必要があります。このプロセスは時間がかかり、熟練した労働が必要です。
  • 詳細な職人技: カシミヤを糸に紡ぎ、染色し、織物にするためには、高度な技術と職人技が必要で、最終製品が高級基準を満たすようにします。



  • 優れた断熱性: カシミヤはその細かい繊維と自然な波状構造により、空気を閉じ込めて優れた断熱層を作ります。カシミヤジャケットは、他の素材のボリュームなしに寒い天候で暖かさを提供します。


  • 豪華な感触: カシミヤの超柔らかいテクスチャーは肌に優しく、カシミヤジャケットを非常に快適に着用できます。他のウールとは異なり、カシミヤはかゆみや刺激を引き起こしません。


  • 着やすさ: 暖かさにもかかわらず、カシミヤは軽量で、レイヤリングに最適で、重くなく快適さを提供します。


  • 様々な条件での快適さ: カシミヤは通気性があり、体温を調節し、湿気を逃がして快適さを保ちます。


  • 長持ちする品質: 高品質のカシミヤは適切に手入れすれば何年も持ちます。他の多くのウールよりもピリングに強く、その外観とテクスチャーを長期間維持します。


  • エレガントな外観: カシミヤジャケットは自然な光沢があり、美しくドレープします。洗練されエレガントな外観を提供し、様々なスタイルや色で多用途なワードローブの追加アイテムとなります。


  • 敏感肌に適している: カシミヤは他のウールタイプに比べてアレルギー反応や皮膚刺激を引き起こしにくいため、敏感肌の人に適しています。








ゼニア カシミヤ100&ジャケット





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Why Cashmere is so luxury? Be careful of your choice!

The difference between cheap cashmere and expensive luxury cashmere lies in various factors including the quality of the raw material, production processes, and overall craftsmanship. Here’s a detailed comparison:

1. Raw Material Quality

Fiber Length and Thickness:

  • Luxury Cashmere: Made from longer and finer fibers (under 15.5 microns in diameter), which are softer, lighter, and more insulating. These fibers are typically combed from the undercoat of the Kashmir goat.
  • Cheap Cashmere: Often uses shorter and coarser fibers (over 19 microns in diameter), which can result in a rougher texture and less durability. These fibers might be mixed with less desirable parts of the fleece.

Origin of the Fiber:

  • Luxury Cashmere: Comes from the best regions such as Mongolia, Inner Mongolia (China), and Iran, where the harsh climate produces the finest fibers.
  • Cheap Cashmere: May come from regions with less optimal conditions for fiber quality, or be blended with fibers from various sources.

2. Production Processes

Harvesting and Sorting:

  • Luxury Cashmere: Fibers are carefully combed rather than sheared, ensuring minimal damage and preserving the quality. The fibers are meticulously sorted to select only the finest.
  • Cheap Cashmere: Fibers are often sheared, which can include coarser guard hairs and result in a mixed-quality product. Sorting is less rigorous.

Spinning and Weaving:

  • Luxury Cashmere: Uses advanced and meticulous spinning techniques to create finer, more uniform yarn. The weaving process is careful and detailed, producing a high-density fabric that feels luxurious.
  • Cheap Cashmere: May use faster, less precise spinning and weaving techniques, resulting in uneven yarn and a lower density fabric that feels less luxurious.

3. Craftsmanship


  • Luxury Cashmere: Undergoes superior finishing processes, including gentle washing and careful handling to maintain softness and enhance the drape and feel of the fabric.
  • Cheap Cashmere: Often skips detailed finishing steps, leading to a rougher texture and a less refined final product.


  • Luxury Cashmere: Uses high-quality dyes and processes that ensure even color distribution and long-lasting vibrancy without damaging the fibers.
  • Cheap Cashmere: May use lower quality dyes that can fade quickly and potentially damage the fibers during the dyeing process.

4. Durability and Longevity

  • Luxury Cashmere: With proper care, luxury cashmere garments can last many years, retaining their softness, shape, and color.
  • Cheap Cashmere: Tends to pill, lose shape, and show wear more quickly, often requiring replacement after a few seasons.

5. Price and Ethical Considerations

  • Luxury Cashmere: The higher price reflects the quality of the material, the care in production, and often more ethical practices regarding animal treatment and environmental impact.
  • Cheap Cashmere: Lower prices can indicate cost-cutting measures in production, which may involve poorer animal welfare standards and environmental practices.


Luxury Cashmere:

  • Superior raw material (longer, finer fibers)
  • Careful, high-quality production processes
  • Meticulous craftsmanship
  • Longer-lasting and more durable
  • Higher ethical and environmental standards

Cheap Cashmere:

  • Inferior raw material (shorter, coarser fibers)
  • Faster, less precise production processes
  • Less attention to craftsmanship
  • Lower durability
  • Potentially lower ethical standards

When purchasing cashmere, considering these factors can help you understand the value and quality differences, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and expectations.

Cashmere fiber is highly valued for its unique properties, which make it an excellent material for a variety of textiles and garments. Here are the key functions and benefits of cashmere fiber:

1. Insulation

  • Thermal Insulation: Cashmere fibers have a unique crimped structure, which traps air and provides excellent thermal insulation. This makes cashmere garments warm in cold weather, often up to three times warmer than wool.
  • Breathability: Despite its insulating properties, cashmere is also breathable, allowing moisture to escape and keeping the wearer comfortable in a range of temperatures.

2. Softness and Comfort

  • Softness: Cashmere fibers are much finer and smoother than most types of wool, which gives them a luxurious softness. This makes cashmere garments extremely comfortable to wear against the skin.
  • Lightweight: The fine fibers of cashmere make it lightweight, which adds to the comfort and ease of wearing cashmere clothing.

3. Durability

  • Strength: High-quality cashmere fibers are strong and resilient, which contributes to the durability of cashmere garments. With proper care, cashmere items can last for many years without losing their softness or shape.
  • Pilling Resistance: While all natural fibers can pill to some extent, high-quality cashmere is less prone to pilling compared to lower-quality cashmere or other types of wool.

4. Moisture-Wicking

  • Absorbency: Cashmere fibers can absorb up to 30% of their weight in moisture without feeling damp. This makes cashmere garments effective at wicking away perspiration and keeping the wearer dry.

5. Hypoallergenic Properties

  • Non-Irritating: Cashmere is less likely to cause skin irritation or allergies compared to some other types of wool, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin.

6. Aesthetic Qualities

  • Luster: Cashmere has a natural sheen that adds to the visual appeal of garments made from this fiber. The luster and drape of cashmere enhance its luxurious appearance.
  • Dyeing and Color Retention: Cashmere fibers absorb dye well, resulting in rich, vibrant colors that are long-lasting. This makes cashmere ideal for producing high-quality, aesthetically pleasing garments.

7. Elasticity

  • Shape Retention: Cashmere fibers have good elasticity, which helps garments retain their shape over time. This elasticity also adds to the comfort and fit of cashmere clothing.

8. Versatility

  • Wide Range of Uses: Cashmere is used in a variety of garments and accessories, including sweaters, scarves, shawls, hats, and gloves. It is also used in high-end home textiles like blankets and throws.
  • Seasonal Adaptability: While often associated with winter wear, cashmere’s breathability and lightness make it suitable for transitional seasons as well.


Cashmere fiber’s unique combination of warmth, softness, durability, and aesthetic appeal makes it highly prized for luxury garments and textiles. Its ability to provide insulation while remaining lightweight and breathable, along with its hypoallergenic properties and moisture-wicking capabilities, further enhance its desirability. Properly cared for, cashmere items can offer long-lasting comfort and elegance, justifying their often higher price point compared to other fibers.

Cashmere is considered a precious fabric due to its unique properties, rarity, and the labor-intensive processes involved in its production. Here are the main reasons why cashmere is so highly valued, along with the benefits for those who wear cashmere jackets:

Why Cashmere is Precious:

  1. Rarity of the Fiber:
    • Limited Supply: Cashmere comes from the undercoat of cashmere goats, primarily found in regions with harsh climates like Mongolia, China, and Iran. Each goat produces only about 150 grams (5.3 ounces) of usable cashmere per year.
    • Harvesting Process: Collecting cashmere is a labor-intensive process. The fibers are carefully combed or sheared during the molting season, which requires meticulous care to ensure high-quality fibers are obtained without harming the goats.
  2. Superior Quality:
  1. Fine Fibers: Cashmere fibers are extremely fine (usually less than 15.5 microns in diameter), making them much softer and more luxurious than standard wool.
  2. Durability: High-quality cashmere is durable and can maintain its softness and appearance over many years if properly cared for.
  3. Production Process:
  1. Manual Sorting and Cleaning: After harvesting, the raw cashmere must be hand-sorted and cleaned to remove coarse outer hairs and impurities. This process is time-consuming and requires skilled labor.
  2. Detailed Craftsmanship: Spinning, dyeing, and weaving cashmere into fabric require advanced techniques and craftsmanship to ensure the final product meets luxury standards.

Benefits of Wearing a Cashmere Jacket:

  1. Warmth and Insulation:
    • Excellent Insulation: Cashmere provides superior warmth compared to other wools due to its fine fibers and natural crimp, which traps air and creates an insulating layer. A cashmere jacket keeps you warm in cold weather without the bulk of other materials.
  2. Softness and Comfort:
  3. Luxurious Feel: The ultra-soft texture of cashmere feels gentle against the skin, making cashmere jackets incredibly comfortable to wear. Unlike some wools, cashmere does not cause itchiness or irritation.
  4. Lightweight:
  5. Easy to Wear: Despite its warmth, cashmere is lightweight, making it ideal for layering and providing comfort without feeling heavy or cumbersome.
  6. Breathability:
  7. Comfort in Various Conditions: Cashmere is breathable and helps regulate body temperature, allowing moisture to escape and keeping you comfortable in a range of temperatures.
  8. Durability:
  9. Long-lasting Quality: High-quality cashmere, when cared for properly, can last for many years. It resists pilling better than many other wools, maintaining its appearance and texture over time.
  10. Aesthetic Appeal:
  11. Elegant Look: Cashmere jackets have a natural sheen and drape beautifully, providing a sophisticated and elegant appearance. They come in a variety of styles and colors, making them versatile additions to any wardrobe.
  12. Hypoallergenic:
  13. Suitable for Sensitive Skin: Cashmere is less likely to cause allergic reactions or skin irritation compared to other wool types, making it a good choice for people with sensitive skin.


Cashmere is a precious fabric due to its rarity, the intricate and labor-intensive production processes, and its exceptional qualities. For those who wear cashmere jackets, the benefits include unparalleled warmth, comfort, and style, along with durability and suitability for sensitive skin. These attributes make cashmere a highly desirable material for luxurious and functional outerwear.

Why order cashmere from VESTA?

VESTA is tailoring that uses hand-stitched finishes and the finest clothing materials to bring out the characteristics of these high-quality materials. We also only carry cashmere from traceable and ethical companies. Please order cashmere that you can use for a long time from VESTA.

Make a tailoring appointment

For in-store reservations, you can use the online reservation site here or contact us at 03-3562-0362. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries through VESTA’s official Line, Instagram, Facebook DMs, or by phone.

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スーツを選ぶときに見落とされがちな「ベント(vent)」。 実はこの“背中の切れ込み”こそが、スーツの動きやすさ・シルエット・印象を左右する重要なディテールです。 本記事では、ベントの種類(センターベント・サイドベンツ・ノーベント)とその特徴、さらにイタリア・イギリス・アメリカにおける文化的背景や選び方のポイントまでを詳しく解説します。

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12万着のスーツをお届けしてきた中で、VESTAはビジネスエグゼクティブや政治家、各界のリーダーたちに選ばれるブランドへと成長しました。しかし、私たちの挑戦はまだ終わりません。これからも、「スーツの力」 を信じ、着る人の魅力と自信を引き出す一着を提供し続けます。


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スーツの品質は、その構造によって大きく左右されます。その中でもヴェスタが使用する「本バスフル毛芯(Full Canvas)」のスーツは、最高級の仕立てとして世界中の紳士に愛されています。特にイタリア製の本バスフル毛芯スーツは、卓越した技術と最高の素材によって作られ、その着心地、耐久性、見た目の美しさが際立っています。本記事では、なぜイタリアの本バスフル毛芯スーツが優れているのか、その理由を詳しく解説します。

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