



1. ラペルの起源:軍服から現代スーツへの進化



2. ピークラペル:威厳を持つ力強さとその歴史

英語: Peak Lapel イタリア語: Rever a punta







3. ノッチラペル:クラシックでエレガントな印象の由来

英語: Notch Lapel イタリア語: Rever classico (または Rever a dente)







4. ショールラペル:洗練されたエレガンスと歴史的背景

英語: Shawl Lapel イタリア語: Rever sciallato
















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(ラグジュアリーメンズウェアビジネスストラテジスト | 多言語コンサルタント)

  • 高級紳士服ヴェスタのジェネラルマネージャー
  • 多言語コンサルタント(イタリア語・日本語・英語)

How Lapel Styles Influence Presence and Their Historical Background

When it comes to bespoke tailoring, every detail matters, and lapels are no exception. They might seem like a small feature, but their impact on power dressing is undeniable. Whether you’re preparing for a high-stakes business meeting, a formal event, or a crucial presentation, the choice of lapel can significantly influence how you’re perceived.

At Vesta, we craft suits with precision, ensuring that each element enhances the wearer’s confidence and authority. In this article, we will explore how different lapel styles contribute to the power of suits, enhancing both presence and performance, while also delving into their fascinating historical origins.

1. The Origin of Lapels: From Military Attire to Modern Suits

Lapels were initially designed for military coats, allowing soldiers to button them up for warmth or unbutton them for ease of movement. As military uniforms evolved, so did the lapels, eventually influencing civilian fashion in the 18th century.

By the 19th century, the transition from frock coats to modern lounge suits introduced distinct lapel styles, shaping the peak lapel, notch lapel, and shawl lapel we recognize today.

2. The Peak Lapel: A Symbol of Power and Authority

The Evolution of the Peak Lapel

The peak lapel originated in 19th-century frock coats, which were formalwear for gentlemen. Inspired by military uniforms, the sharp, upward-pointing lapel was designed to emphasize the shoulders and chest, projecting an image of strength and authority.

During the early 20th century, Hollywood stars, business moguls, and politicians embraced the peak lapel, solidifying its status as a symbol of success and leadership. Today, double-breasted suits and formal evening wear continue to feature peak lapels, making them a favored choice among executives and statesmen.

The Power of the Peak Lapel in Dressing

The sharp angles of the peak lapel naturally enhance the shoulder line, creating a powerful, structured silhouette. This style is ideal for high-level business settings, formal events, and leadership roles, where commanding presence is key.

3. The Notch Lapel: Timeless Elegance and Business Versatility

The History of the Notch Lapel

The notch lapel emerged in the late 19th century as a more versatile alternative to the peak lapel. As frock coats gave way to lounge suits, the notch lapel became the standard for professional attire.

By the 1920s and 1930s, it became the defining element of Ivy League style, popular among businessmen, academics, and professionals. The notch lapel’s balanced and understated design made it a staple in business and corporate environments.

Why the Notch Lapel Is Essential in Business Suits

The notch lapel is known for its versatility and understated elegance. Neither too bold nor too casual, it is the go-to choice for professionals who want to project confidence, sophistication, and approachability.

4. The Shawl Lapel: Refined Sophistication and Cultural Influence

The Origins of the Shawl Lapel

The shawl lapel can be traced back to 19th-century smoking jackets, which were designed for gentlemen to wear indoors while smoking. However, its roots go even further back to Persian attire, specifically the “Jama”, a traditional robe with a curved collar that draped over the shoulders.

The British incorporated this design into formalwear during the Victorian era, leading to the development of the shawl lapel tuxedo, a timeless symbol of evening elegance.

The Shawl Lapel’s Timeless Appeal

The seamless, rounded shape of the shawl lapel exudes grace and sophistication, making it a classic choice for formal events and black-tie occasions. While it is less common in business suits, it remains a go-to option for tuxedos and luxurious eveningwear.

Lapel width has fluctuated throughout history, reflecting the fashion sensibilities of different eras:

  • 1920s–30s: Wide lapels dominated, emphasizing strong, structured silhouettes.
  • 1960s–70s: Slim lapels gained popularity with the rise of minimalist tailoring.
  • 1980s–90s: Broad lapels made a comeback, particularly in the era of the “Power Suit.”
  • 2000s–Present: Both wide and narrow lapels coexist, with tailoring adapting to personal preferences.

Today, the ideal lapel width is chosen based on body proportions and individual style, rather than fleeting trends.

Find Your Ideal Lapel Style at Vesta

At Vesta, we go beyond tailoring suits—we craft powerful, elegant, and refined wardrobes for executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Whether you prefer the commanding presence of a peak lapel, the versatility of a notch lapel, or the refined elegance of a shawl lapel, we ensure that your suit reflects your personality and professional aspirations.

Visit our Ginza store or schedule a consultation to explore premium Italian fabrics and handcrafted details, ensuring that your suit is not just an outfit but an extension of your identity.

All Luxurious Details Included! VESTA’s Standard Specifications

For a full overview of VESTA’s tailoring specifications, click here:

Book Your Visit Here Our online booking site is convenient for scheduling an appointment: https://vestayoyaku.youcanbook.me

Phone Inquiries: 03-3562-0362

For any questions, feel free to reach out via phone, VESTA’s official LINE account, or Instagram DM.

Article by: Miyuki Kitagawa, General Manager of Vesta

Luxury Menswear Business Strategist | Multilingual Consultant

Miyuki Kitagawa is the General Manager of Vesta, a luxury bespoke menswear brand based in Ginza, Tokyo. With extensive experience in high-end tailoring, she specializes in crafting made-to-measure and bespoke suits for executives, business leaders, and politicians.

Multilingual Consultant (Italian, Japanese, English)

Beyond tailoring, Miyuki Kitagawa offers consulting services in luxury menswear and Italian artisan brands, assisting in market entry strategies and cross-cultural communication for the Japanese market.

For inquiries and personalized tailoring consultations, contact Vesta Ginza to experience the pinnacle of bespoke menswear.



スーツを選ぶときに見落とされがちな「ベント(vent)」。 実はこの“背中の切れ込み”こそが、スーツの動きやすさ・シルエット・印象を左右する重要なディテールです。 本記事では、ベントの種類(センターベント・サイドベンツ・ノーベント)とその特徴、さらにイタリア・イギリス・アメリカにおける文化的背景や選び方のポイントまでを詳しく解説します。

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12万着のスーツをお届けしてきた中で、VESTAはビジネスエグゼクティブや政治家、各界のリーダーたちに選ばれるブランドへと成長しました。しかし、私たちの挑戦はまだ終わりません。これからも、「スーツの力」 を信じ、着る人の魅力と自信を引き出す一着を提供し続けます。


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スーツの品質は、その構造によって大きく左右されます。その中でもヴェスタが使用する「本バスフル毛芯(Full Canvas)」のスーツは、最高級の仕立てとして世界中の紳士に愛されています。特にイタリア製の本バスフル毛芯スーツは、卓越した技術と最高の素材によって作られ、その着心地、耐久性、見た目の美しさが際立っています。本記事では、なぜイタリアの本バスフル毛芯スーツが優れているのか、その理由を詳しく解説します。

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