2024年秋、ヴェスタで理想のコートを見つけようDiscover Your Perfect Coat for Autumn 2024 at Vesta

ヴェスタで本物のラグジュアリーを体感 ヴェスタのコートは、最高級の素材を使用し、あなたの体型やライフスタイルに合わせて仕立てられます。伝統的なスタイルがお好きな方も、モダンなテイストを取り入れたい方も、ヴェスタのコレクションは極上のラグジュアリー体験を提供します。 At Vesta, each coat is made with the finest materials, tailored to fit your body and lifestyle. Whether you’re a fan of heritage styles or looking to add a modern twist to your wardrobe, Vesta's collection offers a unique opportunity to indulge in the ultimate luxury experience.



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「スプリットラグランコート」や「ダブルチェスターコート」は、シャープなラインと精巧なディテールが目を引く一着です。さらに、「肩章付きEpaulette B6コート」は、肩のエポレットが特徴的で、威厳を感じさせるデザインとなっています。


より個性的なコートをお探しの方には、独自の8つボタンデザインを採用した「ポロコート8B」がおすすめです。また、フード付きの「サイクルコート ジェダイ」は、機能性と未来的な美しさを兼ね備えたデザインで、ミステリアスな雰囲気を演出します。













ご不明な点はいつでもお電話や、VESTA公式Line, Instagram, FacebookのDMでご相談ください。人生が豊かになる、スーツ選びのお手伝いができましたら幸いです。

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Discover Your Perfect Coat for Autumn 2024 at Vesta

As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, it’s time to think about investing in a luxurious, handcrafted coat that will not only keep you warm but also elevate your style. This autumn, Vesta presents an exquisite collection of original designs, blending traditional tailoring with modern elegance, all hand-sewn in Japan.

Classic Trench or Contemporary Elegance?

Vesta’s Very Traditional Trench Coat is the epitome of timeless elegance, perfect for those who appreciate the classic design and impeccable craftsmanship. If you’re seeking something more versatile, the 2-Way Inverness Coat is a standout, offering functionality with its convertible design.

Vesta’s Very Traditional Trench Coat is the epitome of timeless elegance, perfect for those who appreciate the classic design and impeccable craftsmanship. If you’re seeking something more versatile, the 2-Way Inverness Coat is a standout, offering functionality with its convertible design.

Sophistication in Every Stitch

For a regal look, the Split Raglan Coat and the commanding Double Breasted Chesterfield Coat make bold statements with their sharp lines and refined detailing. The Epaulette B6 Coat takes it up a notch, featuring distinctive shoulder epaulets that exude authority.

For a regal look, the Split Raglan Coat and the commanding Double Breasted Chesterfield Coat make bold statements with their sharp lines and refined detailing. The Epaulette B6 Coat takes it up a notch, featuring distinctive shoulder epaulets that exude authority.

For the Adventurous and the Bold

If you’re someone who loves to make a statement, the Polo Coat 8B offers a striking eight-button design that is both unique and versatile. And for those who prefer a touch of mystique, the Cycle Coat Jedi, complete with a hood, combines practicality and a sleek, futuristic aesthetic.

If you’re someone who loves to make a statement, the Polo Coat 8B offers a striking eight-button design that is both unique and versatile. And for those who prefer a touch of mystique, the Cycle Coat Jedi, complete with a hood, combines practicality and a sleek, futuristic aesthetic.

The Mantle – A Statement of Tradition
For those who appreciate the artistry of traditional garments, the Mantle brings a historical flair to your wardrobe, blending old-world charm with contemporary tailoring techniques.

Experience True Luxury at Vesta

At Vesta, each coat is made with the finest materials, tailored to fit your body and lifestyle. Whether you’re a fan of heritage styles or looking to add a modern twist to your wardrobe, Vesta’s collection offers a unique opportunity to indulge in the ultimate luxury experience.

Don’t miss out on the chance to own a coat that is as distinctive as you are. Book your personalized fitting at Vesta today, and let our experts guide you in finding your perfect match.

VESTAs coat details are here

Prepare for autumn in style with Vesta’s unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail. Your best-fit coat is waiting!

Order and Reservation

Convenient online reservation site:


Phone: 03-3562-0362

For any questions, feel free to contact us via phone, or through VESTA’s official Line, Instagram, or Facebook DMs. We are happy to assist you in choosing the suit that enriches your life.


印象が変わる要素は、袖付けだった!It’s the shoulder setting makes whole difference.

自分のジャケットの肩のラインと他人のジャケットの肩の形がなんとなく違う、と感じたことはありませんか?その違いは、もしかするとショルダーセッティングにあるかもしれません。 Have you ever noticed that the shoulder line of your jacket seems different from others, but couldn’t quite pinpoint why? The difference might lie in the shoulder setting.

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進化するヴェスタのスーツで更に上のパフォーマンスを Vesta’s Luxury Suits Evolve for Your Best Performance


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2024年秋、ヴェスタで理想のコートを見つけようDiscover Your Perfect Coat for Autumn 2024 at Vesta


At Vesta, each coat is made with the finest materials, tailored to fit your body and lifestyle. Whether you’re a fan of heritage styles or looking to add a modern twist to your wardrobe, Vesta’s collection offers a unique opportunity to indulge in the ultimate luxury experience.

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ヴェスタをお召しくださるご感想としては、以前、ファッション業界でもお仕事をされていたというプロからいただけるこうしたお言葉、大変嬉しく、ヴェスタのスーツ作りを誇りに思います。畠山様ありがとうございました。We are very pleased and proud to receive such kind words from a professional who has previously worked in the fashion industry. Thank you, Mr. Hatakeyama.

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祝!七五三 子を祝う父親として何を着る?

Shichi-Go-San is a special day to celebrate your child’s growth and a meaningful occasion for the entire family to be together. On such a festive day, a high-quality Vesta bespoke suit is the perfect attire for fathers. In this video, we’ll explain the benefits of having your suit tailored at Vesta for Shichi-Go-San and discuss key points to consider when placing your order.

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Picture of 北川 美雪

北川 美雪

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