【The RAKE Japan連載 第2話公開】Instagramで大人気のサンドさんに聞く、スーツと色彩のセンスとは?
イタリアの品格をまとうオーダースーツを東京・銀座で仕立てるVESTA(ヴェスタ)より、GM北川によるThe RAKE Japan オンライン連載 第2回コラムのご案内です。このコラムでは、「良い服は人生を変える」Power of Suitをテーマに、服を通してさまざまな紳士淑女の人生観や装い哲学に迫ります。
さらに、今回のThe RAKE Japan 雑誌版では、在日イタリア大使がVESTAのオーダースーツを纏い、大使館の歴史や美術品について語ってくださいました。私は、コントリビューティングエディターとして、取材のコーディネートと通訳を担当させていただきました。

The RAKE Japan オンライン記事はこちら
▼【The RAKE Japan 第2回コラムを読む】
👉 The RAKE Japan オンライン記事へ
東京・銀座のテーラー「VESTA by John Ford」のゼネラルマネージャー。英語、イタリア語、フランス語に堪能、メンズファッションのエキスパートとして25年のキャリアを持つ。確かな素材選びとセンスの良い仕立てに定評があり、国内外のトップ経営者、政治家、各国の要人・大使らが顧客として名を連ねる。歴代の駐日イタリア大使にも絶賛された。ファッションに関する深い造詣を持ち、多くの雑誌などで記事を執筆している。好きな食べ物は「てっさ」である。
ご不明な点はいつでもお電話や、VESTA公式Line, Instagram のDMでご相談ください。
【The RAKE Japan Column Vol.2 Now Online】An Interview with Instagram Sensation Sand: The Art of Color and Sartorial Expression
From VESTA Tokyo, the premier destination for Italian-inspired bespoke suits in Ginza, we are pleased to announce the release of GM Miyuki Kitagawa’s second column for The RAKE Japan Online.
This ongoing series explores the theme of “Power of Suit – Good clothing can change your life,” delving into the style philosophies and personal outlooks of distinguished gentlemen and ladies through the lens of fashion.
In this second feature, we sat down with none other than Sand (@outbespoken) – a widely admired fashion icon on Instagram – to discuss how he uses color and personal flair to bring timeless suits to life.
The Aesthetic World of Sand: Color, Suiting, and Self-Expression
Sand is a master at expressing his artistic sensibilities through classical tailoring. The way he effortlessly adds color through ties, shirts, or accessories creates a polished and elevated impression.
In the article, we explore:
・How he approaches color coordination in his wardrobe
・How daily attire influences his mindset and actions
Through it all, you’ll discover the belief that “how we dress reflects who we are.” His insights are thoughtful, inspiring, and sure to change the way you view dressing well.
Featured in The RAKE Japan Print Edition: Styling the Italian Ambassador
In the latest print edition of The RAKE Japan, the Italian Ambassador to Japan appears wearing a bespoke VESTA suit. He graciously shares stories about the history and artwork of the Italian Embassy.
I was honored to serve as contributing editor, coordinating the interview and interpreting throughout the visit.
VESTA suits continue to earn global trust and admiration from discerning clientele — including ambassadors, executives, and public figures. We invite you to experience that elegance through this very special article.
Read The RAKE Japan Column Online
▼ Read Column Vol.2 on The RAKE Japan
👉 [Link to The RAKE Japan article]
About Miyuki Kitagawa
General Manager of “VESTA by John Ford” in Ginza, Tokyo. Fluent in English, Italian, and French, she brings over 25 years of experience as a menswear expert. Known for her exceptional eye for fabrics and refined tailoring sensibility, she has styled numerous CEOs, politicians, and foreign dignitaries, including successive Italian Ambassadors to Japan.
A respected contributor to fashion publications and events, her favorite food is fugu sashimi (“tessa”).
Thinking of Ordering a Bespoke Suit in Tokyo?
At VESTA, we bring together the latest Italian designs and exquisite Japanese craftsmanship to create one-of-a-kind tailored suits in the heart of Ginza.
If you’re inspired by Sand’s effortless elegance, we invite you to discover your own signature style with a suit made just for you.
Book Your Appointment
Our online reservation system makes booking simple and convenient:
🔗 https://vestayoyaku.youcanbook.me
📞 Phone: 03-3562-0362
For any questions or personal assistance, feel free to contact us via phone, official LINE, or Instagram DM.